25 June 2020

Dear {Contact_First_Name}, 

Welcome to our last weekly newsletter for the month of June. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the contents of this bulletin. If you have something you consider newsworthy for the statistical community and you think it would make good reading in future newsletters, please contact me. Thank you!

Kind regards

Marie-Louise Rankin
SSA Executive Officer

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WA Branch May Meeting

In May we listened to contributions from Honours students, including the recipient of the WA Branch Honours Scholarship from the previous year. The WA Branch offers this scholarship on an annual basis.

Two talks were delivered. See the following for the impressions of the evening by Alun Pope.

Read the full report


Sick of spending another Friday evening home alone? Craving some social interaction with your peers? Hungry for some fabulous Domino's pizza - for free?

Let us entertain you. Join us for an evening of fun and games. Start planning your escape from our fabulous virtual Escape Room now!

This event is open and free to all student and early career members of SSA. The first 40 registered individuals will get a free pizza voucher.

Find out more and register here

ACEMS Webinar: Learning from COVID-19 Data in Wuhan, USA, and the World

Don’t miss this upcoming  ACEMS (ARC Centre for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers) free public lecture/webinar by Distinguished Professor Xihong Lin, Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health. held on Wednesday 1 July, 11am-12pm, AEST via Zoom webinar.

Professor Lin discusses the risk factors, transmission and intervention strategies of COVID-19 on a global scale, providing a historical overview of the epidemic in Wuhan, then provide the analysis results of 32,000 lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases in Wuhan to estimate the transmission rates and evaluate the effects of different public health interventions on controlling the COVID-19 outbreak, such as social distancing, isolation and quarantine, as well as summarizing the epidemiological characteristics of the cases. The results show that multi-faceted intervention measures successfully controlled the outbreak in Wuhan. She will also present the estimated transmission rates in USA and other countries and intervention effects using social distancing, test-trace-isolate strategies. Including the analysis results of >500,000 participants of the HowWeFeel project on symptoms and health conditions in US, and discuss the risk factors of the pandemic.

Register here

Other upcoming ACEMS webinars:

What does a pavlova, or a pav, have to do with media training for researchers? ACEMS Communications Officer Tim Macuga explains.

Watch the video

SSA Career Centre

The SSA Career Centre keeps growing.
We currently have

Registered Users:
Employers 171/Jobseekers 459
Live Jobs 823
Live Resumes 120

Do we have your resume?

Check it out

Visas for statisticians

The Australian Government’s Global Talent Independent program offers a streamlined, priority visa pathway for highly skilled and talented individuals to work and live permanently in Australia. There are seven target sectors including “Quantum Information, Advanced Digital, Data Science and ICT”.  

Details here

A message from the Australian Bureau of Statistics:

We are changing the ABS website

On 23 March we released our new website in beta. Later in 2020, this will become the official website for the ABS. We invite you to find out about the changes, become familiar with the improved page layout, interactive graphs, new functionality and customisable features.

Some of the things we have improved:

  • Key findings made clearer
  • Clear and easy pathways to statistics
  • Language that is easier to understand
  • Interactive graphs and tables
  • Improved search
  • Improved accessibility
  • New ABS data services

Want to keep informed?

You can join the ABS email notification service or update your subscription preferences to receive updates about our new website.

Questions, comments or concerns?

We’re here to support you. We are driven to make this process as seamless as possible during this time. If you have any questions, concerns or you would like to discuss how the changes to our new website may impact you, please contact our Dissemination Engagement team via

And don't forget the following events - advertised previously

Webinar, exclusively for members of SSA and NZSA:

Writing successful fellowships  Friday, 24 July 2020, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (AEST)

Success rates for fellowship applications are plummeting, but success is not impossible! This interactive panel-style webinar will feature brief presentations from three past/current SSA presidents: Distinguished Professor Kerrie Mengersen (ARC Laureate), Professor Scott Sisson (ARC Future Fellow) and Professor Adrian Barnett (NHMRC Fellow), followed by an extended discussion and question time. Gain knowledge and inspiration to help optimise your chances!

Click here to find out more and to register

Join in for the enlightening seminar series hosted by the new Melbourne Centre for Data Science.

Running monthly through 2020, the 2nd virtual seminar “Interpretability vs. Explainability in Machine Learning” will be held on Friday 26 June at 10am AEST via Zoom.

For more information and to register, click here

Canberra Branch meeting on 30 June 2020, 6pm AEST, a big party joint with SSA NSW and the Canberra and Sydney Chapters of RLadies:

Speaker: Emi Tanaka (Monash University)

Topic: Beyond Beamer: Modern and Dynamic Presentations with R Markdown

Details are provided here

We still have places left in our SSA+NZSA virtual mini-conference!

Are you an SSA or NZSA member who was looking forward to presenting your work at ANZSC2020 in July? Disappointed that you won’t get to share your work until the new conference date in 2021?

To alleviate that disappointment, SSA and NZSA will host a virtual conference session on July 9, from 1pm to 2:30pm AEST (starting 11am AWST; 12:30pm ACST; 3pm NZST). SSA or NZSA members who were going to give a talk or present a poster at ANZSC2020 are welcome to sign up for our virtual conference session, which will take place via Zoom. Each speaker will have 10 minutes to talk, followed by 5 minutes for questions and discussion.

If you want to present your work, email the title and abstract of your accepted talk or poster to by June 30, with “SSA+NZSA virtual mini-conference” in the subject line. The zoom link and further instructions for speakers will be sent closer to the date.

Virtual Poster Pitch -  What are you working on? Deadline 1 July, 8pm AEST!

The SSA wants to know what our student and early career members are working on. To find out, SSA’s Young Statisticians Network (YSN) is running a virtual Poster Pitch event via Zoom on Friday July 10 at 3pm. If you are one of our student or early career members, we want you to present your work to the world! Share your work and practice your communication skills, while describing your contribution to scientific knowledge.

Find out how you can participate

Tired of surveys but eager to leave feedback? Tell us what you are missing from your SSA membership. Or let us know what we do well. We will listen. 

Contact us

Statistical Society of Australia |  PO Box 213 Belconnen ACT 2616 Australia 

02 6251 3647 |