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SSA ACT Branch Meetings

We now have a room at ANU: Room 3.02 in Marie Reay Teaching Centre

The Annual General Meeting of the SSA ACT Branch will be held in hybrid format, both in person at a room at ANU (to be advised) and by zoom, at 6.00pm Tuesday 25 March 2025. The agenda is attached, which includes the details for joining the meeting via Zoom. If you cannot attend you can appoint a proxy; the form is attached. The quorum for AGMs is 15, so please make an effort to attend in-person or on zoom so we make sure we achieve that number.

An important part of the AGM is to elect a new Council for 2025-2026. If you are interested in joining Council the nomination form is attached. Please contact me if you want to discuss what that involves.

Relevant documents (Annual Report, Financial Report, Membership Report, Minutes of 2024 AGM) are on or will soon be loaded to the Google Drive link: SSA ACT AGM 2025 Documents.

Unfortunately we have not been able to arrange a speaker after the AGM, however we will have the usual Branch dinner after the meeting.

Date: Tuesday 25 March 2025

Time: 6.00pm – 6.45pm AEDT   

Venue: ANU, Room 3.02 in Marie Reay Teaching Centre or via Zoom.

Zoom link:

(full link details are below)

Dinner: After the AGM we will be holding a dinner at 7.15pm at Civic Asian Noodle House 49 Northbourne Ave, Canberra ACT 2601. If you are interested in attending the dinner, please let me know by 5pm Monday 24 March by entering your details at SSA Canberra Branch dinner attendance sheet or contacting me (; 0407 916 868). Please regard this as a firm commitment, not just an intention. For withdrawals after the deadline, please remove your name from the sheet and phone or text me (0407 916 868).

NOTE: We are offering discounts to SSA Early Career and Student members who attend dinner! Specifically, dinners will be a fixed charge of $10 for student members and $20 for early career members. Others will pay their share of the bill, after SSA applies a small subsidy. Typically this is $30-$40. Please bring cash if possible.

Full Zoom Link:

Topic: SSA ACT 2025 AGM

Time: Mar 25, 2025 05:45 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

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Password: 289749

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    Meeting ID: 81858553283

    H323/SIP Password: 289749

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