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Statistical Education

The Statistical Education Section facilitates and promotes engagement with, and advancement of, valued statistical teaching practice at all levels of learning.

Our aim is to collaborate with, unite and support primary, secondary, tertiary education and industry as part of informing and developing statistical education nationally and internationally, and increasing the accessibility of, and interest in, statistics.


Co-Chair: Professor Peter Howley

Email:  (zero precedes @)

Co-Chair: Professor Ayse Aysin Bombaci Bilgin


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To join the Statistical Education section and mailing list please log into your membership profile and tick the relevant box. Help lead statistical education in Australia by informing schools, teachers, friends about the free competitions, resources and opportunities!    

We are leading statistical education for primary & secondary schools in Australia!

          FREE ANNUAL EVENT - National Schools Poster Competition (NSPC)


Teams of school students (Grades 3 to 12) engage in this project-based learning activity via an investigation, on any topic, which uses data collection, exploration, visualisation and interpretation. They then develop a poster (for online submission) that reports upon their investigation. Submissions due annually by 10 November. Find out more here.

News from the Statistical Education Section - available here


Topic Study Group (TSG) 1.7: Teaching and learning of statistics was designed and coordinated by co-chairs Prof Peter Howley and A/Prof Mauren Porciuncula. A/Prof Mauren Porciuncula and A/Prof Ayse Bilgin chaired the sessions at the conference. This quadrennial international conference was held in Australia for the first time in 40 years.  ICME is the largest international conference on mathematics education.

Thanks to the NSW Office of Chief Scientist and Engineer, this competition was available in 2023 for Stages 3 to 5 students in NSW.  This competition was much like the above NSPC; however, submisssions had to relate to bushfires, environmental sustainability or other related topics such as, but not limited to, natural disasters, emergency services, Indigenous practices surrounding the bush and its management. Find out more here

Statistics, Sustainability, Systems thinking & STEM learning

Delivered free and online by leading educators and industry practitioners via:

  • Teacher PD workshops
  • Student workshops
  • Mini Solar Vehicle Challenge (including free solar vehicle kits)
  • National Schools Poster Competition
Find out more here.


International Statistical Literacy Project - Biannual Newsletters

Statistics at Australian Universities - An SSAI-sponsored Review, December 2005

Join us

The Statistical Society of Australia (SSA) is the home for professionals working in statistics. A place where you belong, connect with others, advance your career and feel inspired.

Our core purpose is to connect you with great people and great opportunities, so you can be successful in your current role and with your career aspirations.

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