Western Australia
Welcome to the WA Branch of the SSA The Western Australian Branch of the Statistical Society of Australia (SSA WA Branch) is the umbrella group for all statisticians practicing in WA and for all non-statisticians based in WA who have an interest in statistics and data science. The SSA WA Branch is governed by its Rules and implements within the state the overall objectives of the SSA nationally. These are:
We endeavour to achieve these objectives through:
We hold monthly meetings (usually the second Tuesday of each calendar month), which include presentations by invited speakers who are involved with the practice of statistics locally, nationally, and internationally. We also run courses and workshops on a range of statistics and data science related topics. Local events are announced through the branch mailing list and the SSA's Events listing. Every second year the Branch appoints a Frank Hansford-Miller Fellow who is invited to deliver a lecture to the Branch. The Branch also supports and runs events for WA-based undergraduate and postgraduate students who are studying or have an interest in statistics and data science. This includes up to two scholarships for students studying Honours in statistics at a WA university. The Early Career & Student Statisticians Network (ECSSN) has a representative on the WA Branch Council. The network organises speakers for the May monthly meeting of the WA Branch, and occasionally runs conferences and social events for members in that stage of their careers. Statisticians of any age in their first five years since graduation are considered Early Career. Members of the SSA also have digital access to Significance magazine, the Australian Journal of Statistics, and receive the monthly SSA newsletter. If you are interested in joining the SSA or have other enquiries please contact the branch Secretary. Visitors are welcome at all regular meetings. We look forward to welcoming you to our next meeting. Council 2024-25