Central CouncilThe Statistical Society of Australia (SSA) and the Australian and New Zealand Statistical Publishing Association (ASPAI) are governed by a Central Council, consisting of an Executive and delegates elected by branches, with two or more delegates from each branch depending on the size of the branch. The Executive consists of a President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Australian Editor of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics. Central Council meets twice a year and the Executive carries out business by electronic and other means between Council meetings as necessary. The SSA and ASPAI hold Annual General Meetings, usually timed to take place during a conference or workshop. Executive CommitteeThe Executive Committee is a sub-committee of the Central Council of the Statistical Society of Australia that meets monthly between meetings of the Central Council to ensure the continued effective operation of the Society. Executive Committee 2024-25
Position descriptions for these roles can be viewed here. Past SSA presidents. Past Executive Committee members.Aiming for diversity at the topThe stats community in Australia is diverse, and as the national peak body for statisticians, it is essential that the Statistical Society of Australia (SSA) reflect this diversity. The Executive Committee of the Society is committed to taking action to ensure that the diversity in the Australian statistical community is reflected at the highest levels of the Society. There is a massive pool of talent to draw upon within the Australian statistical community. To reflect the diversity of the Australian stats community, the Statistical Society of Australia aims to have a more diverse range of future national Presidents and other senior executive positions. When recruiting senior executive, we will actively welcome candidates who identify as female or non-binary, are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, or are culturally diverse, or have a disability. We do not expect that all candidates will fall within one of these categories, but there are many talented statisticians in Australia who do. We will also seek out presidential candidates who work outside of the academic setting. Our aim is to ensure that the Society’s leadership better reflects the Society as a whole. |