Social media community guidelines
The Statistical Society of Australia (SSA) uses social media to share information about SSA, and to enable stats conversations and feedback. Our followers can expect to receive regular updates including:
We may follow or like accounts run by other organisations or individuals. We may also retweet, share social media content that contains information or material related to the SSA. This does not mean endorsement or guarantee the accuracy of any third-party information. Posts made by the public to our social media accounts are the responsibility of that person. They do not reflect SSA’s opinion or policy. You can find us on these social media channels: Facebook: @StatSocAus Twitter: @StatSocAus Terms of useOur social media channels are updated and monitored during standard business hours and may be monitored outside of business hours. We reserve the right to report or remove any posts or comments that do not comply with the: 3. Facebook community standards We may also report or remove any content or comments that:
We may also block users who breach these terms. Contact UsIf you have any feedback on these rules, our social media activity or for more information about the SSA, please contact the SSA Team at contact@statsoc.org.au |