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Australian Statistical Conference

Every two years the Australian Statistical Conference brings together a large proportion of Australia’s statisticians as well as many visitors from overseas. As the peak meeting of the Statistical Society of Australia it attracts all shades of statisticians – from academic bodies through to industry and government, and from theoretical to applied. Meeting together means we benefit from our many common interests. In particular, it symbolises the way in which statistics combines the precision and certainty of mathematics with the practicality and uncertainty in applied work.

The Statistical Society of Australia was formed in 1962, a federation of state Branches. Conferences were an important function of the Society from those early days. It took a while for the pattern to be established, but for many years now they have taken place every two years, moving around Australia, organised through the local Branches.

Occasionally the SSA runs joint events with other organisations and offers support to conferences organised by outside bodies.

Members of the Statistical Society enjoy a discount to attend the annual conference and other events organised by or co-branded with the SSA.

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The Statistical Society of Australia (SSA) is the home for professionals working in statistics. A place where you belong, connect with others, advance your career and feel inspired.

Our core purpose is to connect you with great people and great opportunities, so you can be successful in your current role and with your career aspirations.

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