The Statistical Society hosts a number of lectures named after renowned Australian statisticians: Knibbs Lecture - Canberra BranchThe Canberra Branch has two named lectures. The Knibbs Lecture is held late every year in the Canberra Branch, usually the final meeting of the year. Foreman Lecture – Canberra BranchThe Foreman Lecture is held at the ASC in even years and mid-year in the Canberra Branch, usually at ABS, in odd years. Lancaster Lecture – NSW BranchThe NSW Branch hosts the Lancaster Lecture at the beginning of the year. Some background info on Prof Lancaster. Belz Lecture - Victoria BranchThe Vic Branch hosts the Belz lecture towards the end of each year, named for Maurice Henry Belz. E.A. Cornish Lecture – South Australia BranchThe SA Branch hosts the E.A. Cornish Lecture. The EA Cornish lecture series has been named to commemorate Alf Cornish, a leading figure in the early years of the statistical profession in Adelaide. Moran Lecture – Australia Statistical ConferenceThe Moran Lecture was set up in 2016 and first held at ASC2016. The lecturer was Professor Sue Wilson (UNSW and ANU). It will be held at each Australian Statistical Conference. |