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South Australia

The South Australian Branch of the Statistical Society holds regular meetings throughout the year, usually on Wednesday evenings. At each meeting an invited local or visiting professional presents a one-hour seminar on a statistical topic. Meetings are held at 5:30pm for 6pm, with refreshments provided prior to the talk. Visitors are most welcome. After the talk, all are welcome to adjourn with the speaker to a nearby restaurant.

The Branch organises an annual careers evening aimed at early career statisticians, who are people studying statistics or are in their first five years of working in their profession young statisticians. Representatives from a range of organisations employing statisticians in South Australia provide short presentations describing the role and the typical workday of statisticians in their organisation. Attendees then have the opportunity to talk individually with the employer representatives to ask questions and learn more about their work and job opportunities.

The Branch inaugurated a series of public lectures in 2001 on statistical topics of broad interest. This lecture series has been named after E.A. Cornish who was a leading figure in the early years of the statistical profession in Adelaide.

The Rules and Regulations for the South Australian branch can be accessed here.

SSA South Australian Branch Council 2024

President Lan Kelly (University of South Australia)
 Vice-President Vacant
Secretary Andrew Vincent (University of Adelaide)
Treasurer Paul Sutcliffe (Retired)

Jason Eridani (Australian Bureau of Statistics)

Aarti Gulyani (Flinders University)

Julian Whiting (Australian Bureau of Statistics)

Other roles

Membership officerPaul Sutcliffe
eNews contactLan Kelly
Website administratorJulian Whiting

Contact Us

Contact the Branch Secretary if you would like further information about the Branch.

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The Statistical Society of Australia (SSA) is the home for professionals working in statistics. A place where you belong, connect with others, advance your career and feel inspired.

Our core purpose is to connect you with great people and great opportunities, so you can be successful in your current role and with your career aspirations.

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