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Of Boys and Men -- food for thought!

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  • 21 Nov 2022 5:31 PM
    Message # 12996659

    What I now have to say has, although on a different tack, been stimulated by the debate on NHMRC grants, and then reading the review of a recent book. I've for a long time felt that a lot more attention should be paid to the extent to which, when it comes to fitting into the demands of the wider society, it is males who disproportionately fall through the cracks --- more than 3 times the female suicide rate in Australia and most other countries. Imprisonment rates show a much greater disparity men more than 12 times the rate for women in Australia. 

    I find it puzzling that these  disparities get so little attention. They surely ought to be a strong research focus.  What substantial research is in progress? Are social media making things worse?  Is the problem political will, that the roots lie deep in the way that men are socialized, roots that those in power would prefer not to talk about?

    A recent book by Robert Reeves, reviewed in The Guardian, is interesting for its perspective: The Guardian review describes it as:

    "A thoughtful analysis of alarming evidence of a male malaise avoids the culture wars, arguing for structural and societal change."

    "Something is rotten in the state of manhood. Guilty of the crime of patriarchy, it is also tainted by toxic masculinity, the belief that most social ills – everything from murder and rape to online abuse – stem from men being men. Not only are men seen as (and too often are) violent and dangerous, in advanced economies men are three times more likely than women to take their own lives."

    Last modified: 21 Nov 2022 5:43 PM | John Maindonald
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