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Old and new ANZSTAT

  • 2 Sep 2020 3:36 PM
    Reply # 9206314 on 9203765
    John Henstridge wrote:

    At last we know who "Anonymous" is - it has been Berwin all the time.

    Don't remember ever posting as "Anonymous", definitely on this forum.

    Why would I?  If people don't like what I write, they do not have to read it. :)



  • 2 Sep 2020 9:49 AM
    Reply # 9205732 on 9203373
    Chris Howden wrote:

    Consquently, is there anyway to have the messages come in as they are posted. The actual messages that is, not just the subject?

    This is one of the items on my improvements list. I hope that it is possible since it would make it easier to keep up to date on what's been discussed.  Thanks for your other comments too, Chris, you are echoing what a number of people have said. We're working on what we can do to improve the user experience for everyone.

    Speaking of which, we've added the ANZSTAT forum to the navbar of the website with the forum links as menu items. Hopefully this makes the forum easier to access for everyone as some members have said it was buried away and hard to find.


  • 2 Sep 2020 9:46 AM
    Reply # 9205729 on 9205727

    Chris Howden wrote:

    I mean, thanks Berwin. A bit clunky but I think I got it right this time. If this funcitonality hasnt been explained anywhere it might be useful to do so. It wasnt very intuitive - for me at least!

    Berwin Turlach wrote:
    Chris Howden wrote:

    Johns point of distinquishing between replys vs new posts is a good one!!

    Might depend on whether you hit the "reply" button on the top left, or the "quote" button on the right of the message you want to reply too.

    Just guessing, well, and testing with this post. :)



    Thansk Berwin :)

  • 2 Sep 2020 9:44 AM
    Reply # 9205727 on 9203749
    Berwin Turlach wrote:
    Chris Howden wrote:

    Johns point of distinquishing between replys vs new posts is a good one!!

    Might depend on whether you hit the "reply" button on the top left, or the "quote" button on the right of the message you want to reply too.

    Just guessing, well, and testing with this post. :)



    Thansk Berwin :)
  • 1 Sep 2020 7:28 PM
    Reply # 9203765 on 8976241

    At last we know who "Anonymous" is - it has been Berwin all the time.

  • 1 Sep 2020 7:14 PM
    Reply # 9203749 on 9203374
    Chris Howden wrote:

    Johns point of distinquishing between replys vs new posts is a good one!!

    Might depend on whether you hit the "reply" button on the top left, or the "quote" button on the right of the message you want to reply too.

    Just guessing, well, and testing with this post. :)



  • 1 Sep 2020 12:57 PM
    Reply # 9203374 on 8976241

    Johns point of distinquishing between replys vs new posts is a good one!!

  • 1 Sep 2020 12:56 PM
    Reply # 9203373 on 8976241

    I think the biggest barrier to this new fourm taking off will be the extra time, cognative effort and inertia it takes to click through and see what is being discussed. 

    Previouslly one could quickly and efficiently see messages as one worked through emails and as they came in. So people could choose to either ignore, lurk/learn or reply in real time. This gave a certain vibrancy to the conversation.

    However, now people need to click on a link to be taken through to the thread-which removes the 'real life' feel of the conversation.  It is also an 'inertia' barrier since on any given day we all have a ton of emails to go through and the extra time and cognative effort it takes to get to the actual content is certainly something which will prevent many of us from clicking through.

    It also makes it harder to see something in passing (when I really ought to be doing something else....) and get 'hooked' into the discussion. 

    Consquently, is there anyway to have the messages come in as they are posted. The actual messages that is, not just the subject?

    This could be an option, and would give virtually the same functionality as the previous well used system with the minor change of one needing to click on a link when replying -which is a minor barrier when planning to actually write something. 

    Last modified: 1 Sep 2020 12:58 PM | Chris Howden
  • 1 Sep 2020 7:10 AM
    Reply # 9202863 on 8976241

    It would be helpful to either:  Include the first 2 or 3 lines of the message in the emails that go out; or: provide for subheadings.

    It is an annoyance that the messages on which one is commenting disappear from view upon clicking "Reply".

    One has to look hard to distinguish between a reply, and a new message.  It would be helpful either to indent replies, and/or to show the "Message nnnn" field in bold (and here is where a subtitle might be added or at least allowed).  "Reply nnn to nnn" can be left as is, again with the option to add a brief subtitle.

    These features, or an equivalent, are pretty much standard on news feeds, blogs, and online newspapers such as 'The Conversation' that allow readers to comment.

  • 31 Aug 2020 7:17 AM
    Reply # 9200577 on 8976241

    Thanks Ben,

     However, these pages took multiple goes to find. Please could we just on the ANZSTAT discussion forum page have an item for 'all', plus the choice to get emails in the same place?  It should be really intuitive as to how to switch on emails - but it is far from being so.

    Video: please could you just transcribe everything in this into readable words- There should be an easily accessible page with instructions for the forum, not just a video that takes some while to watch.

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