Unfortunately registration for this event is full. We encourage you to register your interest by joining the waitlist (see left) and we will be in contact if we receive cancellations. Thank you for your interest.
The Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Section of SSA is pleased to offer the following workshop, co-hosted by the Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics Unit (CEBU) at the MCRI (Melbourne Children’s campus):
Gaining skills in biostatistical consultancy
This full day workshop is designed to provide participants with an understanding of some of the key skills involved in biostatistical consultancy, covering a range of topics including communication skills, how to reach and interact with different clients, how to manage consultancy projects from start to finish and how to secure funding. The course will feature presentations from statisticians experienced in biostatistical consultancy, as well as an interactive panel session to allow participants to pick the brains of our experts!
Presenter Biography
Professor Julie Simpson is Head of the Biostatistics Unit at the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health and leader of the Biostatistics node of the Melbourne Clinical and Translational Science platform, University of Melbourne. She has 25 years’ experience collaborating with clinicians, basic scientists, epidemiologists and health policy-makers at universities and hospitals (and even refugee camps) based in Australia, Thailand, Vietnam and the United Kingdom.
Dr Emily Karahalios is a Senior Research Fellow based in the Biostatistics Units within the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University; and the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne. Emily previously held the position of Clinical Biostatistician at Western Health, where she provided biostatistical support to staff and students at Sunshine and Footscray Hospitals.
A/Prof Susan Donath is a Senior Biostatistician and Epidemiologist and Deputy Director of the Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. She has been a senior consulting statistician at the MCRI since 2003 and through this role has developed expertise in supporting all aspects of research design, protocol development, statistical analysis and reporting results.
Dr Emi Tanaka is a lecturer in statistics at The University of Sydney working in the interface of genetics, statistics and computing. Her PhD work focused on statistical bioinformatics (in particular, with methods in DNA motif evaluation) but post-PhD, she provided specialist statistical inputs to various plant improvement programs as part of Statistics for the Australian Grains Industry project.
Target Audience
Statisticians who provide statistical advice, analysis, and training to non-statisticians. This workshop will be of greatest interest to recent graduates and early career researchers who are keen to develop their skills in this area.
Course Outline
1. Involvement in statistical consultancy from start to finish (lifecycle), communication skills, including intercultural communication, and written reporting or oral presentation to non-statisticians
2. Effectively planning, organising and monitoring progress of a project, including time management and prioritisation
3. How to reach clients, secure funding and build a team
4. Interacting with different clients (including difficult clients), dealing with isolation and building a network
5. Interactive panel session
Payment before 1 May 2019 (Early Bird)
CEBU staff $80
SSA members $100
SSA non-members $120
SSA member students $80*
SSA non-member students $100*
Payment from 1 May 2019
CEBU staff $80
SSA members $120
SSA non-members $140
SSA student members $100*
SSA non-member students $120*
Student membership with SSA is available to full-time students for $20 for 12 months. For more information please click here.
Registrations close on Friday, 21 June 2019.
Learning Objectives
To introduce the skillset needed to be an effective biostatistical collaborator focusing on skills such as meetings, interactions, time management, written and oral communication, and ethics.
Cox/Walford Room (Room WL5.2.03), Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Royal Children’s Hospital, Flemington Road, Parkville, Melbourne, VIC, 3052
Travel Expenses
Occasionally workshops have to be cancelled due to a lack of subscription. Early registration ensures that this will not happen. Please contact the SSA Office before making any travel arrangements to confirm that the workshop will go ahead, because the Society will not be held responsible for any travel or accommodation expenses incurred due to a workshop cancellation.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations received prior to Thursday, 27 June 2019 will be refunded, minus a $20 administration fee. From then onwards no part of the registration fee will be refunded. However, registrations are transferable within the same organisation. Please advise any changes to eo@statsoc.org.au.