Branch Meeting - Wednesday, 23rd October 2019
The South Australian Branch of the Statistical Society would like to invite you to the October meeting of the 2019 program.
Venue: Engineering and Maths Science Building, Room EMG07 - Maths Seminar Room, North Terrace, The University of Adelaide. A campus map is available at
***Please note that most entrance doors to Adelaide University buildings close at 6pm so make sure you arrive in time for the talk.
5:30pm - Refreshments in the Lecture Theatre
6:05pm - General Meeting Talk
7:30pm - A dinner will be held after the meeting at Jasmin Indian Restaurant, 31 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide SA 5000. Please RSVP for dinner to by 21st October as we are usually unable to change the booking numbers at the last minute.
Speaker: Dr David Baird
Topic: A consultant's care book: Interesting cases from 35 years of statistical consultancy
Over the past 35 years I've applied statistics to agronomy, soils, animals, entomology, meteorology, fisheries, forestry, GIS, genetics, ecology, biocontol, biosecurity, surveys, health and earthquakes. In this talk I will look at interesting cases from this work including: experimental designs for animal and field trials, eradication programs on introduced moths, biocontrol programs for weevils, impacts of pasture endophytes on animal performance, analysis of two-colour microarrays, financial estimates from the Christchurch earthquakes.
Dr David Baird is a biometrician with 35 years' experience. He did his MSc in applied statistics at the University of Reading with Roger Mead on the nearest neighbour analysis of field trials and a PhD in Statistics at the University of Otago with supervisors Roger Mead and David Fletcher on the design of experiments. He worked with AgResearch for 25 years as a statistical consultant and developed their two-colour microarray analysis suite. He was the statistical consultant on 4 biosecurity eradication programmes, and has been the statistical consultant for the NZ Earthquake Commission for the last 8 years. He has been one of the main developers of the Genstat statistical package for over 25 years.
Feel free to forward this meeting notice to colleagues, all welcome.