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Branch Meeting - Wednesday, 15th July 2020
The South Australian Branch of the Statistical Society would like to invite you to the July meeting of the 2020 program.
Virtual Venue: Join the Zoom meeting using your PC or device https://unisa.zoom.us/j/96261504601?pwd=UDM2TSt3Sk51ZVdpcGJ3YXloZndWQT09 Password: 762533 or Join from dial-in phone line: Dial: +61 2 8015 2088
Meeting ID: 962 6150 4601
Speaker: Dr Natalie Twine, Transformational Bioinformatics Group, CSIRO
Topic: Unlocking the secrets in your DNA using machine learning and cloud-computing
Genomics produces more data that Astronomy, twitter, and YouTube combined, having caused research in this discipline to leapfrog to the forefront of cloud technology. Dr. Natalie Twine provides an insider's view into the development of a Spark-based machine learning framework that is able to find disease genes in the 3 billion letter of the genome. She will also cover novel software, TRIBES, developed to uncover distant relatives based on their genome. Knowing relationship status is important for diagnosing and treating genetic diseases. Natalie will showcase how the technology has been used to understand and find treatments for motor neurone disease. Finally, Natalie will showcase hot-off-the-press cloud-native technology where CSIRO have advanced the COVID-19 response through digital health.
Dr Natalie Twine is a research scientist and team lead in the transformational bioinformatics group at CSIRO. Her team focuses on developing software for population-scale genomics, leveraging cloud computing and big data technology. Natalie's research focuses on using such technology to understand the genetic basis of Motor Neurone Disease. She obtained her PhD in Bioinformatics from University of New South Wales and has previously worked at UNSW, Kings College London, and University College London.
Feel free to forward this meeting notice to colleagues, all welcome.
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