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Title: World Statistics day - Work on the additional data collection and work that the ABS has done during COVID-19
Registration: Please register at https://statsoc.org.au/event-4021479
Biography: Marcel van Kints joined the Australian Bureau of Statistics in 1996. His career has focused on macroeconomic statistics, at both the national and international level, with expertise in price statistics. Marcel has complemented his ABS experience with international experience at the United Nations in New York; and applied his statistical knowledge and experience to source and develop empirical evidence to support the Henry Tax Review at The Treasury. Marcel currently leads the ABS Data Integration Division to shape ABS data strategy and provide data services, particularly in support of the Data Integration Partnership for Australia (DIPA) program. Marcel has tertiary qualifications in economics and statistics, and has completed a Masters of Public Administration from the Australian National University. Marcel has authored several conference and academic articles.
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