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  • 16 Mar 2021
  • 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Zoom


Registration is closed

The Victorian Branch will be having its Annual General Meeting on March 16th from 17:30 to 18:00 via Zoom. We invite you to attend the meeting, voice any thoughts you have on the outgoing and incoming years, and elect our Council for 2021. We will distribute the Annual Report and other relevant documentation prior to the AGM.

If you wish to be on the Council for 2021, please send an email nominating yourself to and copy in a current member of the Branch who is willing to second your nomination. The same goes for voting via proxy – if you are unable to attend and wish another member to vote on your behalf, please send an email to, stating which member you would like to act as your proxy.

You must be logged in to your SSA account on the website in order to register for the AGM. If you have any difficulties please email the Vic Branch using the above email address.

Following the AGM, we will hear from Dr David Wilkinson in his talk titled The statistical quandaries of an ecologist: Applied and theoretical statistics for conservation. For more information and to register, visit:

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