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UNSW Stats Central is offering this short course.
Statistical analyses require specialised software to perform calculations. In this course we use the statistical program SPSS exclusively. It is essential to have basic proficiency in using the SPSS statistical package to do this course successfully. Please read Important Notes at the course booking link below.
Course Requirement
You will need to use a computer during the course. You will also need access to the SPSS software package. We cannot provide access to the SPSS package; you must be able to get access through your own institution or organisation or have your own licence. Basic proficiency in using the SPSS statistical package is essential.
For more information and to register, click here.
Statistical Society of Australia (SSA) PO Box 213 Belconnen ACT 2616 Australia 02 6251 3647www.statsoc.org.auABN 82 853 491 081
Please direct enquiries to:
the SSA Team via email at
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