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IASS Webinar 11 "Positioning Households Surveys for the next Decade", presented by Haoyi Chen, from United Nations' Inter-secretariat Working Group on Household Surveys.
Household surveys play a critical role in meeting national data needs. A recent mapping exercise found that approximately one-third of all Sustainable Development Goal global indicators (80 out of 232 indicators), covering 13 different goals, can be sourced from household surveys. Despite their fundamental role in national statistical systems over the past decades, household surveys are facing funding challenges and skepticism on their continued utility within the changing data landscape. Within this context, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated existing challenges for household surveys, given limitations on face-to-face survey operations as a result of social distancing and other restrictions in many countries. A survey conducted by the UN Statistical Division and the World Bank in May.
2020 found that 96 percent of national statistical offices either partially or fully stopped face-to-face data collection at some point during the pandemic. A position paper is being prepared by the Inter-Secretariat Working Group of Household Surveys (ISWGHS) that aims to identify priority areas and the enabling environment, both at the national and international level, for household surveys to better perform their foundational roles, meet new data demands and increase their development policy and research impact in the remaining decade for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The presentation will cover the recent work of ISWGHS on improving national capacity in the area of household surveys and key aspects covered by the position paper.
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