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SSA NSW Branch: July Event (in August) - Shila Ghazanfar - Mosaic single cell data integration

  • 3 Aug 2022
  • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Sydney Uni and on Zoom

Shila Ghazanfar

Dr Shila Ghazanfar, a DECRA Fellow at University of Sydney will speak about Mosaic single cell data integration at Sydney University in early August (July Event).

Date: Wednesday, 3rd August2022

Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm (AEST)

Location: Sydney University, F10A.01.105.Law Building Annex.Law Annex Seminar Room 105 and on Zoom.

Attendence: Please RSVP here if attending in person to help us cater for the talk and make dinner reservations. Please register here if joining virtually for the Zoom link.

Shila Ghazanfar - University of Sydney

Title: Mosaic single cell data integration


Currently available single cell -omics technologies capture many unique features with different biological information content. Data integration aims to place cells, captured with different technologies, onto a common embedding to facilitate downstream analytical tasks. Current horizontal data integration techniques use a set of common features, thereby ignoring non-overlapping features and losing information. In this talk I describe the current state of play for vertical, horizontal, mosaic and diagonal single cell data integration.

Further, I introduce StabMap, a mosaic data integration technique that stabilises mapping of single cell data by exploiting the non-overlapping features. StabMap is a flexible approach that first infers a mosaic data topology, then projects all cells onto supervised or unsupervised reference coordinates by traversing shortest paths along the topology. StabMap performs well in various simulation contexts, facilitates disjoint mosaic data integration, and enables the use of novel spatial gene expression features for mapping dissociated single cell data onto a spatial transcriptomic reference.


Dr Shila Ghazanfar completed her undergraduate and PhD studies in statistics and statistical bioinformatics at The University of Sydney, before completing a Royal Society Newton International Fellowship at The University of Cambridge under the mentorship of Dr John Marioni in computational biology. Currently, she is an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow at the University of Sydney, and has recently become of the first grantees of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Data Insights program.

Dr Ghazanfar's interests are in developing statistical bioinformatic and biomedical data science approaches for the meaningful integration of complex and high dimensional biological datasets. She is an expert in statistical and computational analysis of spatial transcriptomics and single cell RNA-seq data.

Virtual attendance

This is an in person event event, and we hope you can join us at Sydney Uni. If you would like to attend virtually,  the Zoom registration link is Please note for security reasons, you will need to register in advance for this meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Any questions, please feel free to contact:

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