Please join us for the NSW SSA branch annual event on Monday 5th December at the Aerial Function Centre, UTS from 2pm. The afternoon will start with presentations from PhD students from around NSW for the J. B. Douglas Awards. We are then proud to present our Annual Lecture by Professor Marijka Batterham on Encouraging statistical and data literacy in Nutrition and Dietetics at 6pm, followed by the Annual dinner from 7pm.
We hope to see everyone there in person. For those wishing to attend virtually please register on this Zoom link.
Program overview
2.00pm – 5.00pm – J. B. Douglas Award presentations (with refreshment break)
5.00pm – 6.00pm – Refreshments and Award presentation
6.00pm – 7.00pm – Annual lecture by Professor Marijka Batterham
7.00pm – Annual dinner, register by this Thursday Nov 24th
A full program can be downloaded here.
J. B. Douglas nominees
- Joseph Descallar, Macquarie University, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
- Emily Neo, University of Sydney, Business School
- Xiangnan Xu, University of Sydney, School of Mathematics and Statistics
- Tom Goodwin, UTS, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
- Jeffrey Kwan, UNSW, School of Mathematics and Statistics
- Chris Lisle, University of Wollongong, National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia
Annual lecture
Speaker: Professor Marijka Batterham AdvAPD AStat
Title: Encouraging statistical and data literacy in Nutrition and Dietetics
Abstract: This presentation will reflect on some current issues in consulting and teaching in nutrition from the dual perspectives of a Dietitian/Statistician. Topics covered will include statistics anxiety, statistical methods used in nutrition research and how to approach clinical versus statistical significance.
Bio: Professor Marijka Batterham is an Advanced Accredited Practicing Dietitian and an Accredited Statistician. She is the Director of the National Institute of Applied Statistics Research Australia and the Statistical Consulting Centre at the University of Wollongong. Marijka is passionate about improving Data literacy and currently leads the UOW Data and Decision Science Initiative aimed at improving UOWs internal and external capacity in Data Science. Her primary area of research interest is in trials and interventions to prevent and manage obesity.
Our Sponsors
Thank you to our sponsors that make this event this possible. If your organisation can sponsor a small amount, we would appreciate this. All sponsor logos will be displayed in the J.B. Douglas programme.
Gold Sponsors

HealthStats NSW

Business School, Business Analytics Research

School of Mathematics and Statistics

School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

School of Mathematics and Statistics

National Institute for Applied Statistics Research Australia
Any questions, please feel free to contact: