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SSA Vic & Tas May Event: What's new in the tidyverse? by Professor Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel

  • 30 May 2023
  • 6:00 PM
  • WEHI Auditorium, 1G, Royal Parade, Parkville VIC 3052


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SSA Vic & Tas and R-Ladies Melbourne are pleased to hold a joint event on Tue 30th May 6pm to welcome Professor Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel to talk to us about tidyverse. The event will be held in-person as well as online via Zoom. We look forward to seeing you there!

What's new in the tidyverse?

The tidyverse is an opinionated collection of R packages designed for data science. One important feature of the tidyverse is that packages in the tidyverse share an underlying design philosophy, grammar, and data structures. Another important feature is that the tidyverse is a living, breathing, and evolving ecosystem. In this talk I will discuss what is new in the tidyverse, highlighting tips and tricks for what's new in the tidyverse in 2023. Additionally, I will take a broader view of "new" and discuss major updates and new features in the tidyverse that got implemented between the 1st and 2nd editions of R for Data Science.


Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel is a Professor of the Practice and the Director of Undergraduate Studies at the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University. Mine's work focuses on innovation in statistics and data science pedagogy, with an emphasis on computing, reproducible research, student-centered learning, and open-source education as well as pedagogical approaches for enhancing the retention of women and underrepresented minorities in STEM. Mine works on the OpenIntro project, whose mission is to make educational products that are free, transparent, and lower barriers to education. As part of this project, she co-authored four open-source introductory statistics textbooks. She is also the creator and maintainer of, a co-author of R for Data Science (2nd Edition), and she teaches the popular Statistics with R MOOC on Coursera. In addition to her academic position, Mine also works as a Developer Educator with Posit, where she focuses primarily on building educational resources for tidyverse and Quarto. Read more about her on her webpage at <>.

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