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2023 Statistical Society of Australia (SSA) Welcome Event

  • 1 Mar 2023
  • 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Online (zoom) and in-person hubs in 14 Sir Christopher Ondaatje Avenue (14 SCO) Room 146 Macquarie University. and PAR-Glyn Davis (MSD)-B121 (Malaysian Theatre), University of Melbourne


Registration is closed

Please join us at one of our first networking events for 2023. Anyone with an interest in statistics is welcome to attend to learn more about the SSA and its members. We have an incredible group of presenters lined up to share their diverse perspective and experience of life as a statistician and their involvement with the SSA.


Ian Gordon

Prof. Ian Gordon is the President of the SSA, the Director of the Statistical Consulting Centre at The University of Melbourne and has more than 30 years of experience in applied statistics. In his spare time, Ian likes to do cryptic crosswords, rogaine, play cricket, and pat the dog.

Elizabeth Korevaar

Elizabeth Korevaar is a postdoc at Monash University researching statistical methods for meta-analysis of interrupted time series, and cluster randomised trial design and analysis. Lizzie is a member of the SSA Vic council and co-chair of the SSA Mentoring Program. Lizzie’s favourite things about her work are the variety of subject areas and problems that statistical methods are used for, and discussions with the amazing Biostatistics community.

Joanne Potts

Dr Joanne Potts is the Director of The Analytical Edge Statistical Consulting. Joanne has a wealth of experience working in statistics, across academic, government and the private sector. One thing Jo has learnt from many years working as a statistical consultant is you never stop learning! She thinks it is one of the best aspects of her job: the diversity of statistical methods and the areas of science in which they apply. 

Zhi Yang Tho

Zhi Yang Tho is a PhD candidate at The Australian National University researching statistical methods for multivariate data. Zhi Yang also enjoys teaching undergraduate and postgraduate statistics, and is committed to inspiring students to enjoy statistics through the use of interesting, real-world problems. When he finishes studying, Zhi Yang hopes  to continue contributing to the field of multivariate statistics.

Rheanna Mainzer

Dr Rheanna Mainzer is a biostatistician at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and the Vice President of Membership for the SSA. Her current research examines methods for handling missing data in large-scale longitudinal studies.


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