Announcing the September meeting of the WA Branch of the Statistical Society of Australia. Our guest speakers are Dr Cecilia Xia and Rebecca Herbst of Data Analysis Australia.
Date: Tuesday, 10 September 2024.
Time: 6:00PM to 7:00PM (AWST)
Location: Cheryl Praeger Lecture Room, The University of Western Australia.
Beyond Traditional Variables: A Statistical Framework for Modeling Complex Travel Behaviors and Preferences in New Zealand
Recent studies have shown that behavioural variables, such as attitudes, serve as significant predictors of travel mode choices. However, few transport models have effectively incorporated these variables, often relying on fuzzy estimations that limit predictive accuracy. This study employs exploratory factor analysis to identify key latent constructs influencing travel behaviour and uses structural equation modelling to examine the causal relationships of various latent variables and journey experience by different travel modes.
We analyse data from New Zealand residents across varying transport modes, demographic segments, and regional differences. Key factors affecting travel experience, including safety, value for money, and ease of use, are identified. Results indicate significant regional variances. This research highlights the importance of habit formation in transport decisions and recommends infrastructure enhancements alongside interventions that foster positive travel experiences to promote sustainable mobility. Our findings provide valuable insights for developing tailored transportation strategies responsive to New Zealand's diverse traveller needs.
About the Speakers

Dr Cecilia Xia, Data Analysis Australia
Dr. Jianhong (Cecilia) Xia is an accomplished Geographic Information System (GIS) educator, spatial analyst, and modeller with over 20 years of experience in data analytics. Her extensive background includes roles as a transport geographer and transit planner, where she has conducted a diverse range of research in areas such as tourism, public transport development, driving behaviour, cognitive science, and human mobility.
Cecilia's expertise lies in identifying and implementing appropriate statistical and machine-learning methods to address various analytical challenges. She is adept in spatial analysis and demonstrates exceptional adaptability to support data-driven decision-making processes while delivering outstanding customer service. A prolific contributor to her field, Cecilia has published over 110 peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers, and book chapters. Her dedication to advancing research has garnered approximately $1.5 million in funding from government agencies, industries, and the Australian Research Council since 2005, underscoring her impact on the discipline and commitment to fostering innovation.

Rebecca Herbst, Data Analysis Australia
Rebecca Herbst is a Consultant Statistician at Data Analysis Australia. She has previously worked as a medical research scientist where she developed an interest in statistics. Since completing post-graduate degrees in applied statistics and clinical epidemiology, she has worked as a consultant across a variety of areas including transport, education, agriculture and financial services.
Refreshments and Dinner
Members and visitors are invited to mingle over wine and cheese from 5:30PM onwards at the venue. Following the meeting all are invited to dine at a nearby restaurant. Visitors are welcome.
Meeting Directions
The Cheryl Praeger Lecture Room is located on the ground floor of the Mathematics building at The University of Western Australia. Its entrance is on the northern side of the building. See: UWA Maps, Google Maps.
Parking is free on the UWA Crawley campus after 5:00PM. A convenient place to park is Car Park 18 accessible from Fairway Entry 1.
For further information please contact the WA Branch Secretary (