Personal Journey Of Ann Eyland: A Webinar by Early Career & Student Statisticians Network and History Standing Committee of SSA.
This is the second in the series of webinars that focus on the personal journey of older Australian statisticians that have made a difference.

Shortly after I was born, my family moved to Townsville North Queensland as my father took up appointment as Headmaster of The Townsville Grammar School. My father taught mathematics. He graduated in Mathematics and Latin from the University of Queensland as an external student. My mother was the first female member of her family to work. We returned to Sydney when I was in Primary School. I was very fortunate to go to an opportunity school, and on to a selective high school.
I graduated with Honours in Pure Mathematics and a Master’s degree by research from Sydney University. My doctorate was completed at the University of Aberdeen under the supervision of A W F Edwards, a population geneticist, who was one of R A Fisher’s last Ph D students.
On returning to Sydney, for 4 years I was a Senior Tutor in Mathematical Statistics at Sydney University, and then I joined the Statistics staff at Macquarie University where I stayed for 18 years. Statistics allowed me to play in other people’s backyards. I think I re-invented myself every 7 years or so. Consulting work across many disciplines created interesting and demanding opportunities, the most significant of which was management of the University’s Equal Opportunity Project. This led to a deep interest in Labour Economics and membership of University committees that affect staffing policy.
University life for me always involved more than teaching and research. It all began in my Honours year when I became a member of the Board of the Sydney University Women’s Union. I have served on the governing bodies of both Macquarie and Sydney Universities as well as the Statistical Society at both State and Federal levels.
After 18 years, I left Macquarie to become Principal of the Women’s College at Sydney University and then Principal Researcher Statistics and Design at the NSW Law Foundation.
I am happily retired and spend time learning about Art. Architecture and Photography and cooking!
What to Expect:
Interview Session: Conducted by Ayse Bilgin, History Committee member, Ann will share her journey from academic researcher in pure mathematics to influential statistician and university leader. Her career spans interdisciplinary consulting, significant contributions to university staffing policy, and leadership roles, including Principal of the Women’s College at Sydney University and Principal Researcher in Statistics at the NSW Law Foundation.
Q & A Session: Following the interview, engage directly with Ann. Pose questions that delve deeper into Ann’s experiences and gain insights relevant to your own career aspirations.
Why Attend?
Learn from Experience: Ann’s career path offers invaluable lessons for aspiring statisticians and educators.
Contribute to History: This webinar will be recorded, with a transcript prepared to support the History Standing Committee's efforts in documenting the evolution of statistics education in Australia.
Who Should Attend?
· Early career statisticians
· Students aspiring in statistics and related fields
· Anyone interested in the history and development of statistics education