The South Australian Branch of the Statistical Society would like to invite you to the 2025 AGM.
Date: 26th March (Wednesday) 2025
Time: 6:00 – 7:00 pm (Adelaide Time)
Venue: University of South Australia City East, Level 3 Centenary Building, Rm C3-16: see map here.
Meeting will also be available by Zoom. Please click this URL to start or join (
Password: 259447
Annual General Meeting
Order of the Day: Election of Returning Officer, Branch officers, Council and Public Officer
Please note: Only financial members of the Statistical Society will be eligible to vote in person, or by proxy.
While a number of Council members are willing to stand for office again, this is a first call for nominations for the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Councillor positions assisting the following tasks related to both local and central SSA activities:
- Media correspondent
- Young Stats Career Event organiser(s)
- Website Coordinator
- Speaker Program manager
Nominations are called for all positions and may be communicated to the Secretary, Andrew Vincent ( before the meeting or may be made from the floor at the meeting. In particular, we are looking for nominations for the position of Vice-President.
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the 2024 Annual General Meeting (attached)
3. Annual Report for the year 2024
4. Election of Returning Officer, Branch Officers, Council and Public Officer
5. Treasurer's Report
6. Election of Auditor
7. Any other business
8. Speaker: Dr Lan Kelly
5.30pm – Refreshments & Networking
6.05pm – AGM Elections & President/Treasurer Report
6.30pm – Presentation by Dr Lan Kelly (see outline below)
7.30 pm - A dinner will be held after the meeting at the Lemongrass Thai Restaurant - 289 Rundle St, 5000 Adelaide
Please RSVP for dinner by 24th March (Monday), as we are usually unable to change the booking numbers at the last minute.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Presentation details
Speaker: Dr Lan Kelly (President of the SA Branch)
Title: The Statistical Society of Australia National Speaker Series
Abstract: The Statistical Society of Australia will trial a National Speaker Series this year. Each state will organise one meeting a month which will be available online to members Australia-wide. In this talk I will outline the proposed program and look for feedback from members on how to co-ordinate an SA speaker program to complement the national series.