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Joint SSA Canberra + RLadies Canberra Branch Meeting -online

  • 16 Feb 2021 9:27 AM
    Message # 10101402
    Jodi Phillips (Administrator)

    March 2, 2021

    5:30pm-6pmZoom meeting opens and pre-seminar mingling

    6-6:45pm: Presentation on Zoom

    Virtual pre-drinks and nibbles are provided, but they don't taste as good as the real thing!

    RSVP: Please register in advance for this meeting:

    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact

    SpeakerGordana Popovic, University of New South Wales

    Topic: How to see the forest from the trees: Removing pesky artefacts from discrete data for better visualisation

    Abstract: Data sometimes have artefacts which obscure the patterns we are interested in visualising. You may have come across this when trying to interpret a residual plot from a logistic regression. For discrete data, these are not really artefacts, they are properties of the distribution of the data, like mean-variance relationships and lots of zeros. Generalised linear models and their extensions model the distribution of the data, including these properties, and so are a good way to remove them, to better see the patterns we are actually interested in. I will talk though some concepts and lots of examples of how we can use models to get the best out of our visualisations of discrete multivariate data in R.

    Biography: Gordana is a statistical consultant and research fellow at UNSW Sydney, with research interests in modelling and visualising multivariate discrete data in ecology. In her spare time, Gordana can be found hiking or ocean swimming (poorly but enthusiastically).

    Website link:
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