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Query about researchers or methods for a problem

  • 3 Jul 2023 3:55 PM
    Reply # 13222911 on 13222034

    Hi all

    Quick followup with some extra thoughts. I am not confident whether I will get a reply. However my query is genuine, informed, and I believe of genuine merit. As always we can run into respect issues. I believe on this matter at least I can argue considerable credentials. I feel I have a right to ask them too because I am facing so many obstacles on the matter. Hypothetically, despite many obstacles, I could easily be about to step in front of a judge very soon and need an expert on the matter

    A few extra thoughts though. Obviously detecting such effects using many methods could be theoretically or practically impossible, that is assuming small but highly devastating effects. Requirements for number and detail of records and cases across multiple populations, and possibly generations.

    There are usually many ways to approach such analyses though and I imagine there could be some much simpler approaches using mass data (eg prescriptions) across multiple populations, either as individuals, or even aggregated, provided there were ways to compare different attributes of said populations. eg Comparison of the trajectories of certain prescription types, and certain disorders, compared across countries or continents etc

    I would be genuinely grateful for people working in, or who can refer to such studies, at such a scale.

    Under different circumstances I would even try connecting with a school to do a research project. The practicalities of that are too much of a burden too at the moment

    However, I believe there would be more than enough evidence of many kinds, and justification of the terrible outcomes from such risks (even with small effect sizes) to justify such a study before any ethics committee. I believe sometimes truth requires some people to risk so-called disrespect. I believe I am being completely respectful in every way, especially to science and knowledge and research and professions. So respectful I ask all those channels for assistance

    Last modified: 3 Jul 2023 4:26 PM | Duncan Lowes
  • 30 Jun 2023 1:46 PM
    Message # 13222034

    Dear all

    I have been trying to think about this issue for a long time and admit to being a bit out of touch with some relevant groups and methods.

    What I am interested in is longitudinal analysis (over reasonable long cohort times) of the aetiology pf psychotic disorders, their predictors (including prior diagnosis and treatment for non psychotic disorders). The analysis also needs to take into account generations of changing advice on medications - so there would be some complex feedbacks, and also complexity separating out real diagnoses of underlying disorders and those that are actually part or fully drug affected diagnoses.

    Sounds difficult to me, but there is a fair amount of research on all aspects of the matter. Trying to look at methods that take account of historical change over many generations, changes in prescription of different types of drugs, major historical points, even changes in diagnosis. Changes in advice on drugs is very important

    Hope I have managed to describe part of the issue clearly enough for people to understand what I am getting at. How do we separate out the risk of people being misdiagnosed and treated longterm for something that is a drug induced illness rather than true underlying one. Mostly historical and things are changing all the time - but something that concerns me greatly

    Regards Duncan

    Last modified: 14 Jul 2023 2:53 PM | Duncan Lowes
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