Sorry for feeling the need to comment yet again.
I have a few other example issues that would be extremely high value
A few other important questions to add to the census
- do you live in an oppressive home, family
- do you live in an oppressive community, street, neighbouhood
- do you feel safe
- were you able to answer all these questions honestly and freely
etc etc
Are they not important uncollected data items. I am sure we all have many other similar thoughts
In place of an earlier deleted ramble I refer people the PL-3 (Private Lives 3) by Latrobe University and anything by Foucault - not that I understand much of the latter
"One must not suppose that there exists a certain sphere of sexuality that would be the legitimate concern of a free and disinterested scientific inquiry were it not the object of mechanisms of prohibition brought to bear by the economic or ideological requirements of power. If sexuality was constituted as an area of investigation, this was only because relations of power had established it as a possible object; and conversely, if power was able to take it as a target, this was because techniques of knowledge and procedures of discourse were capable of investing it. "
Who knows what it means or if it is at all relevant
From PL-3 from memory approximately 40%(Edit- approximately 40% of the 60% who experinced some violence - there are many stats in and out of the home) of LGBTQI+ etc respondents in a private survey had faced some kind of intimate violence or abuse or other unpleasant treatment in their homes on the basis of sexuality. PL-3 used a methodology that protected people's privacy in some way. I trust all important decisions on such matters in an instrument like the census are well informed. Hopefully better than me, and not playing to politics. And of course weighed up by all the other very serious matters in PL-3 and other surveys, I sincerely hope people understand my motivations too. Also mmaybe my brain works differently to everyone else but those figures in a private instrument raise red flags for an instrument such as the census. I am sure people are well informed and think things through. And the data can always be used to argue both sides of an argument. What is controllable is the instrument. And as has been mentioned, despite the methods used to protect privacy on low frequency items the Census gets down to very small geographic detail. And as credit to the (possibly darker) powerful methods our professions have at their disposal, it is very easy (I believe) for anyone to identify anyone these days
I hope sanctions against those who prefer not to answer honestly are not that punitive. However these days you get more anxious that people could actually find out. It's sad having to be part of professions that have similar considerations and arguments to those who split the atom
My sadly cynical/realist view, totally misinformed by partial understanding of the likes of Foucault (are there any likes?) is that what will happen will happen for whatever reason, and those on the receiving end of whatever oppression they live under will continue to try to live around it. I almost feel like using an inappropriate parallel with unprovable things in formal systems or whatever. You can't change an oppressive structure by using it - sorry rusty on Godel too, and inappropriate parallels. but people abuse Heisenberg all the time too
Final (I promise) thought with further risk of disresespect but there are some very convenient politicised cherry picking of human rights over this matter. How any serious body of any kind can ignore privacy and safety to be comrpomised for other rights is beyond me. To be honest it seems almost all Human Rights are optional these days. I hope the data value is worth it