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Golden Jubilee Travel Grant

SSA's Golden Jubilee Travel Grant provides overseas travel funds to student members of the Society, who can prove consecutive SSA membership for a minimum of two years.

A maximum of $1000 is available per application, limited to a single trip during the course of the student’s studies. Students will not be supported in their first year of study and will have had to be members of the Society for at least two years prior to the application deadline. Applications are required to be lodged in advance of travelling. In exceptional circumstances an application can be for post-conference support, but the application will then have to be made within one month of returning and the two year mandatory membership period prior to departure must still be met. Exceptional circumstances are limited to unforeseeable student out of pocket expenses arising from other funding sources not fulfilling their obligation or changes to the trip that could not have been avoided.

A complete application will consist of

  1. Information on the conference and its importance to student’s work (2-3 lines)
  2. Details of the paper/s/poster student wants to present at the conference
  3. A list of other funds sought or promised, including student’s home institution
  4. Student’s out of pocket expenses expected
  5. Any other supporting material student feels is necessary
  6. A letter of support SIGNED by one of student’s supervisors AND student’s Departmental Head
  7. Student’s CV

The application deadline is 31 May each year. Applications can be submitted electronically to the Executive Officer at the Statistical Society, from 1 April.

If successful the student member is required to produce original receipts for amounts of equal or greater value than the grant. These receipts will be returned to the student marked with how much has been reimbursed. The student will therefore still be able to use the receipts for proof of attendance or to claim any funding shortfall from other organisations. The student member will also need to supply a report of his or her involvement in the conference to be published in the Society’s newsletter. This report should confirm the actual travel details and papers presented.

Recipients of the grant are asked to acknowledge the SSA’s support in the presentations and in any published version of the paper and to write an article about their trip for the SSA newsletter.

One travel grant is available per year. Assuming that more than one application will be received per year, either the Executive Committee or a special committee would help with the selection process.

With this travel grant program the SSA seeks to underline its objective to further the study, application and good practice of statistical theory and methods in all branches of learning and enterprise. It has been implemented to confirm to members that the SSA is willing to support student statisticians and their budding careers for a minimum of two years.  On the occasion of Statistical Society of Australia’s 50th anniversary in 2012, we introduced a travel grant that offers limited travel funds to assist student members of the Society to attend overseas conferences at which they present a paper or poster.

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