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ANZSRC Review Consultation Draft Now Available

19 Dec 2019 6:02 PM | Vanaja Thomas (Administrator)

Following the initial round of public consultations, the Australian Research Council (ARC), Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and Stats NZ have now published the ANZSRC Review Consultation Draft. The proposed changes to both the Fields of Research (FoR) and Socio-Economic Objectives (SEO) classifications are now available for comment until 10 February 2020.

The Consultation Draft and details on how to make a submission are available on the ARC website.

The ANZSRC Review Consultation Draft proposes significant changes to both the Fields of Research (FoR) and Socio-Economic Objectives (SEO) classifications based on initial consultations. A new Division-level (‘2-digit’) classification for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Māori, and Pacific Peoples research is proposed for both the FoR classification and the SEO classification. These new Divisions would allow for greater recognition and visibility of this important and unique sector of the Australian and New Zealand research landscape.

Other proposed changes to the FoR classification include splitting Division 11 Medical and Health Sciences into two Divisions and removing Division 10 Technology by distributing its Groups among other Divisions. It is also proposed that the Sector level of the SEO classification be removed to align with the FoR hierarchy.

This draft is not final and the ANZSRC Review Steering Committee is allowing time for changes before finalisation of the new ANZSRC classification. Feedback is sought on:

  • Whether the revised classifications accurately capture the current Australian and New Zealand research landscape.
  • Whether any errors or ambiguities have been introduced in the drafting process.
  • Concordance between the old and revised ANZSRC classifications, including
  • where codes have been deleted, where would that research be classified in the revised ANZSRC?
  • where new codes have been created, where would that research have been classified in ANZSRC 2008?

To assist in a balanced evaluation of the draft, submissions in support of changes are also welcomed. This will be the last opportunity for public comment on the ANZSRC draft. It is anticipated that the final updated ANZSRC will be published in mid-2020.

If you have any questions regarding the ANZSRC Review or the Consultation Draft, please contact the ARC on 02 6287 6755 or

Kind regards,

ANZSRC Review Team

Australian Research Council I Phone: 02 6287 6755

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