The SSA has established a new body – the SSA Consulting Network. The goal of the network is to provide a forum to support and advocate for statistical consultants, and to provide training and professional support opportunities.
You can join our mailing list from the SSA website; just edit your membership profile and check the box. If you would like to join the committee, please contact either of the Co-chairs.
Our first activity will be a Q&A panel on remote consulting – tips on how to consult effectively under the physical distancing and work-from-home constraints we have all been negotiating of late. We have all learnt a lot about how to do this over the last couple of months, so this will be an opportunity for practice-sharing. This event will be held within the next month, stay tuned for an SSA announcement.
What would you like the Consulting Network to do? Please tell us your thoughts using this short form.
This will help shape priorities in network activities.
We look forward to hearing from you.
David Warton and Sue Finch
Co-chairs, Statistical Consulting Network