Dear SSA Canberra et al.,
Please (also) forward to those who you think may be interested in the below.
SSA Canberra is inviting young statisticians who are planning to attend a conference/workshop/short course in a field related to statistics or data science to apply for financial support in the form of a "SSA Canberra registration grant".
What does the grant support?
SSA Canberra will award an amount up to $200 AUD per successful application. The amount to be awarded will depend on the registration costs of the event the applicant is attending. Note the conference/workshop does not necessarily have to be held in the ACT (since most events are currently online anyway!), nor does it have to be an SSA event.
Who can apply?
Applicants must be:
- A current student in, or within five years of last conferred degree from, the ACT or in a regional area of NSW outside Newcastle-Sydney-Wollongong;
- A member of the SSA Canberra branch at the time of registration; membership is only $20 for full time students, so it is worth joining just to apply for the grant!
If you have questions regarding eligibility or anything else, please contact the SSA Canberra council at
How do I apply?
Prepare the following documents and a submit a single PDF form containing:
- If attending a conference, evidence of your submitted abstract for a poster/talk to that conference. If attending a workshop/short course, evidence of your confirmed registration to that event;
- A brief resume of up to three pages;
- A letter up to one A4 page describing the anticipated benefits to you that will result from attending the event, and declaring any other financial support being offered to you to attend.
Please send these via email to
When do I have to apply by?
We are accepting applications on an ongoing basis until 31 December 2020, or until the budget we have allocated for the rego grant runs out. So it is first-in-first-served, subject of course to a proposal being successful!
A maximum of one successful grant will be awarded per person.
Outcome and show me the money!
Successful applications will be notified by email in due course. Afterwards, SSA Canberra will then look to reimburse registration fees after receiving the receipts.
If I am successful, who do I have to do?
1) If presenting at a conference, please acknowledge the financial support of SSA Canberra.
2) Contribute a short piece about their experience of attending the conference/workshop/short course the SSA newsletter, to be sent to