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Science & Technology Australia - Member callout for examples of international collaboration

10 Sep 2020 3:33 PM | Vanaja Thomas (Administrator)

I know it continues to be a very hectic time for us all. Thank you for the important work each of you are doing across our STEM sector. 
Among the many policy issues we are all currently navigating, helping policymakers to understand the importance of international research collaborations is a continuing priority. 
We are therefore looking to collect some great examples and case studies to highlight global research collaborations between Australian STEM researchers and counterparts abroad.
We are looking for the following information:

  • What (types of) research are you and your members currently collaborating on with international partners?
  • What research and products/services/insights/jobs have come from your or your members international collaborations (links or pdfs to papers and websites would be excellent)?
  • What countries are your research partners in?
  • Are you collaborating with international businesses or industry and, if so, who and how?
We are looking for as much specificity in examples as possible – although we understand that some research might be commercial in confidence. 
STA intends to use this research as public case studies however if requested we will not include your name or research institution. 
We would like to gather this information before September 21. If you could email it to our Policy Manager Peter Derbyshire – – we would be most grateful.
Many thanks in advance for your engagement as always.
All the very best,

Misha Schubert
Chief Executive Office
P: 02 6257 2891 M: 0421 612 351
PO Box 259, Canberra City, ACT 2601

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