The SSA Environmental Statistics Section and NIASRA (Wollongong) proudly present the following seminar, by the 2021 Barnett Awardee, should be a cracker:
Jonathan Rougier (University of Bristol)
Estimating volume from point-referenced thickness measurements
May 14, 2021 04:00 PM (EST)
Password: 069151
Accurate sizing of historical volcanic eruptions is challenging, because the deposition process is complicated, and because the remnants of the deposition process are sparse and heavily degraded. The substantial uncertainty means that point estimates are much less informative than confidence intervals. I will describe a computationally intensive algorithm for producing a 95% confidence interval for tephra fall volume, using a variety of modern statistical tools. I will also describe the various R packages and tools that I use.
Brief bio: Jonathan Rougier is a consulting statistician, formerly Professor of Statistical Science and Head of Statistics in the School of Mathematics, University of Bristol (up to June 2019). He is a 'full service' statistician, but has worked extensively in Earth and Environmental Science. He is the 2021 recipient of the Royal Statistical Society Barnett Award for Environmental Statistics.
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