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AMSI-ANZIAM Lecture Tour: Random Graph Models, Network Centralities and Graph Clustering

  • 7 Feb 2023 4:13 PM
    Message # 13087606

    As part of the AMSI-ANZIAM lecture tour, Professor Konstantin Avrachenkov (INRIA, France) presents this specialist talk at the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

    Visiting Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra, Newcastle and Brisbane, the lecture tour runs from 13-22 February.

    Event Information:

    Lecture: Random Graph Models, Network Centralities and Graph Clustering
    Date: Friday 17 February
    Venue: Knibbs Theatre, Ground floor, ABS House, 45 Benjamin Way, Belconnen Canberra
    Time: 11am AEDT

    Abstract: Many real-world complex networks share a number of common properties such as sparsity, heavy-tailed degree distribution, the existence of a giant connected component, small world property and edge transitivity. Firstly, I review several basic random graph models such as Erdos-Renyi random graph, exponential family of random graph models (ERGMs), stochastic block models (SBMs), random geometric graphs, and indicate which model can represent well a given property. Secondly, I describe the main network centrality indices which can be applied to study network structure or to assess network robustness. I conclude with an overview of main methods in graph clustering with a particular emphasis on the methods designed with the help of random graph models and on the methods using centrality indices.

    For more information, please visit

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