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Two exciting positions, see links below with further details, are available to join the Australian Trials Methodology research network (AusTriM: https://www.monash.edu/medicine/sphpm/austrim/home) at Monash University.
Both positions involve a combination of (i) clinical trial and related research collaboration; and (ii) pursuing statistical methodology interests in the broad direction of AusTriM research streams and according to the interests of the appointee.
Applicants may apply at either level B (Research Fellow) or level C (Senior Research Fellow) and for both positions. International applications are welcomed - the Australian government has recently announced that international travel will resume over the next few months.
Remuneration: $101,130 - $120,093 pa Level B / $123,882 - $142,845 pa Level C (plus 10% employer superannuation)
Statistical Society of Australia (SSA) PO Box 213 Belconnen ACT 2616 Australia 02 6251 3647www.statsoc.org.auABN 82 853 491 081
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