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PhD/MSc scholarships on statistical linear inverse problems for count data (University of Otago, NZ)

  • 12 Jan 2022 7:22 AM
    Message # 12255513

    PhD/MSc Scholarships on Statistical Linear Inverse Problems for Count Data



    Applications are invited for PhD or MSc scholarships to work on the project "Inference for statistical linear inverse problems: theory and practice". Statistical linear inverse problems occur when the variable of interest is observed only indirectly, or in a corrupted fashion. While most previous work in this area has focused on continuous data, there are numerous applications to count data, including network tomography; contingency table resampling; analysis of mark-recapture data in ecology; and analysis of biosecurity data. The successful applicants will join an outstanding team including researchers from the universities of Auckland, Melbourne and Otago, funded by a major Marsden grant. They will work primarily under the supervision of Professor Martin Hazelton. The scholarship carries a stipend of $27,500 [PhD] / $15,000 [MSc] per annum (tax free), and covers fees, thesis expenses and possible conference travel.

    Skills and experience

    Candidates for this position should have a first class Honours degree in Statistics or Mathematics, or equivalent. The PhD/MSc can focus on any aspect of the project, including applications, computational methods or the mathematical theory of Markov bases. Students with background relevant to any of these areas are welcome to apply.


    The successful applicant will conduct their studies at the University of Otago in Dunedin, on New Zealand’s South Island.


    Enquiries about the scholarship should be directed to Professor Martin Hazelton ( Applications, including cover letter, CV and the names of at least two academic referees, should be submitted by email to that email address.

    All applications received before 28 February 2022 will be considered.

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