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Publicising the ECSSN and its November Mini-Conference

  • 15 Sep 2022 6:24 PM
    Message # 12919907
    Marie-Louise Rankin (Administrator)

    Are you currently lecturing to student statisticians or data scientists who would benefit from attending the mini-conference of the Early Career and Student Statistician Network (ESCCN) of the SSA?  This will be held in November, combined with young statisticians from NZSA. 

    If your lectures are using Zoom, we’d like to request 5 minutes of one of the lectures for Daniela Vasco (Chair, ECSSN) to present a couple of slides, plugging the conference, the ECSSN and hence the SSA more generally. 

    This will need arranging on an individual basis; in the first instance, please email Daniela with your willingness to do this.  It’s vital that we do all we can to promote the Society among student statisticians, and the recent addition of an “Early Career” membership category will help retention after full time study, we hope.

    I (Ian) will be participating, and if you are in a position to do so, Daniela and I hope you will too. 

    Yours sincerely,

    Ian Gordon, SSA President

    Daniela Vasco, Chair, Early Career and Student Statisticians Network

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