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Senate Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Submission by SSA

  • 8 Jun 2024 2:40 PM
    Reply # 13367601 on 13360241
    Ian Gordon wrote:

    @Duncan Lowes:  I don't have any trouble accessing the submissions; for example, I get straight to them by clicking on the link in my post in the forum.

    Hi Ian

    Sorry when I wrote I was on the other side of the world.

    Two likely hypotheses - VPN or overnight maintenance

    The latter was (EDIT appears to have been) the correct hypothesis - apologies for not updating people

    Now I have some reading to do - I may have to cheat and use AI to extract a summary of all salient points and themes

    I can predict that I likely have the same concerns I have about rampant uncontrolled and inexpert use of data science

    regards Duncan

    Last modified: 8 Jun 2024 3:04 PM | Duncan Lowes
  • 23 May 2024 12:34 AM
    Reply # 13360242 on 13359549

    Thanks @Alun Pope.

  • 23 May 2024 12:33 AM
    Reply # 13360241 on 13359549

    @Duncan Lowes:  I don't have any trouble accessing the submissions; for example, I get straight to them by clicking on the link in my post in the forum.

  • 23 May 2024 12:32 AM
    Reply # 13360240 on 13359549

    Thanks @Chris Howden.

  • 22 May 2024 9:28 AM
    Reply # 13360020 on 13359549
    Marie-Louise Rankin wrote:

    A Senate Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been established.  The SSA’s Advocacy Working Group (AWG) considered making a submission, and decided not to do so.  But a couple of later developments led to a change to that decision.  I drafted a submission, and the members of the AWG provided feedback which was most useful in identifying further things to say, and polishing the draft.  This is one way that we hope the AWG will function, and as our first foray into public comment (through the AWG) it was a most encouraging sign of how we hope to able to achieve a high standard in the SSA’s public commentary.  The submission is number 87 here: Submissions – Parliament of Australia (

    Ian Gordon, 
    President, SSA

    Wheres the LIKE button?  ;)

  • 22 May 2024 4:53 AM
    Reply # 13359873 on 13359549

    As always I seem to miss deadline for such submissions but will try to read what everyone else has said

    Does anyone know if is geoblocked and I need a VPN to read submissions

    EDIT Maybe it's midnight and they do are doing some sys admin

    Last modified: 22 May 2024 7:21 AM | Duncan Lowes
  • 21 May 2024 9:59 PM
    Reply # 13359601 on 13359549
    Alun Pope (Administrator)

    Thanks, Ian and AWG. It was good, concise and hopefully will make a difference, even if small. It was certainly better than some of the other submissions!


  • 21 May 2024 4:42 PM
    Message # 13359549
    Marie-Louise Rankin (Administrator)

    A Senate Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been established.  The SSA’s Advocacy Working Group (AWG) considered making a submission, and decided not to do so.  But a couple of later developments led to a change to that decision.  I drafted a submission, and the members of the AWG provided feedback which was most useful in identifying further things to say, and polishing the draft.  This is one way that we hope the AWG will function, and as our first foray into public comment (through the AWG) it was a most encouraging sign of how we hope to able to achieve a high standard in the SSA’s public commentary.  The submission is number 87 here: Submissions – Parliament of Australia (

    Ian Gordon, 
    President, SSA

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