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Christmas and New Year Greetings!

18 Dec 2019 4:02 PM | Marie-Louise Rankin (Administrator)

I can't believe we are reaching the end of another year already. Where did the time go? This year has seen many things happening in the statistical community and within SSA. Below I have listed just a few:

First of all we held a record number of workshops and other events. SSA’s branches and sections truly outdid themselves with their offerings to members, organising events for the many different interest groups within the society. I noticed especially the many events for our students or early career statisticians, all aimed at creating a kick-start to a successful career in statistics.

It is the many, many volunteers at branch and section level that made this possible and we can’t thank them enough.

The Betty Allen Travel Award was launched for the first time, and we received a good number of outstanding applications, making it very difficult to make a decision.  The lucky winner will be notified in January. Then there was the inaugural Louise Ryan Best Presentation Award, awarded at YSC2019 by the wonderful Louise Ryan herself.

We now have a new ANZSTAT list on our very own website, drawing the statistical community closer together, which is fantastic.

SSA’s relationship with the Australian Bureau Statistics reached a new level with an official partnership between the two organisations being contracted and recently extended into next year! This is fantastic news indeed and opens many opportunities for strategic collaboration and funding of special projects. This partnership has also supported the International Data Science in Schools Project, which aims to create a 2 year, 240 hour course in Data Science for year 11 and 12 students, and an accompanying course to train teachers to give it, to be delivered internationally.

The SSA continues to improve its value proposition to members. We now have member discounts for Wiley, OUP, Taylor & Francis, Routledge, CRC Press, shinyapps and Significance magazine. We have created a page of videos of branch talks that are only available to members. A new webinar series started in the second half of 2019 and has proven immensely popular. One of the highlights would have to be the recent webinar with Sir David Spiegelhalter. We are delighted to be able to offer recordings of our webinars on the SSA website for our members. The link to Sir David’s webinar will be made available shortly. Please check the webinar page from time to time.

The results of the Federal Election in May took all of us by surprise and almost seven months on we are still grappling with questions about opinion polls and how they got it so wrong, but we will try to get to the bottom of this.

Let’s keep the momentum going into the next year!

Thank you for your continued support of the Statistical Society of Australia. You are the Society and you make coming to work every day a pleasure for me.

During what is for many a holiday time, let us look out for one another, keep safe and share plenty of smiles with those around us.

Very warm greetings and a happy, peaceful and prosperous new year.

Marie-Louise Rankin, 
Executive Officer, SSA


  • 27 Dec 2019 12:09 AM | Arpit Patel
    Hello everyone, Hope you enjoy the Christmas eve with the ones you love and step into the new year with lots of happiness and good health. Wishing you a merry Christmas and a very happy new year!
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