SSA Canberra is inviting student statisticians and data scientists who are student members or join as student members of SSA Canberra branch, and are planning to either:
+ Attend and present a talk or poster at the Australia and New Zealand Statistical Conference on 5-9 July online (ANZSC 2021), or
+ Attend and present a talk or poster at the Early Career and Student Statisticians Conference on 26 July to 1 August 2021 online (ECSSC 2021)
to apply for financial support in the form of a "registration grant".
SSA Canberra will reimburse the SSA student member fee you paid for the appropriate registration/workshops costs (e.g., $150 for early bird fee for ANZSC). Please note you must either be a student member of SSA Canberra Branch, or have applied to be a student member with SSA Canberra, at the time of submitting your registration grant application.
Membership is only $20 for full time students, so it is definitely worth joining just to apply for the grant!
Application Details:
Please prepare the following documents and a submit a single PDF form containing:
i. A brief resume of up to 4 pages;
ii. A brief statement of which of the above three "grants" you are applying for. Please note you can only apply to be reimbursed for one of the above three grants;
iii. Your submitted talk/poster abstract for ANZSC2021/ECSSC2021;
iv. A short letter describing the anticipated benefits to you that will result from your attendance at the conference/workshop, and declaring any other financial support offered to you for this conference/workshop.
Please send these via email to by 5pm on 31st May 2021
Successful applications will be notified by email 30th June 2021. After receiving a confirmation of your acceptance of talk and your registration receipt/invoice, and after SSA Canberra has confirmed that you are a student member, then SSA Canberra will then look to reimburse your relevant registration/conference fees.
Successful applications should:
+ Acknowledge the financial support of SSA Canberra during their presentation;
+ Contribute a short piece about their experience to the SSA Stats Matters newsletter, to be sent to