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The IASE 2023 Satellite Conference Ready to accept Submissions

  • 6 Dec 2022 4:18 PM
    Message # 13014871
    Ayse Aysin Bilgin (Administrator)

    Dear Colleagues,

    We are excited to go live with IASE2023 conference website, thanks to Local Organising Committee in Toronto.

    Please find attached Call for Papers and visit the website for more details

    Distribute the call for papers within your networks to increase the participation to our Satellite.

    Call for Papers

    The International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) and the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) are co-organizing the 13th IASE Satellite Conference which will take place from 11 July to 13 July 2023, just before the 64th World Statistics Congress (WSC64, 16–20 July in Ottawa, Canada). The conference will be offered in a hybrid format to welcome both online delegates and those participating in-person in Toronto, Canada.

    The theme of the conference is "Fostering Learning of Statistics and Data Science". For more information on the theme and its particular topics, please visit the conference’s Theme & Papers page. Submissions are now being accepted for contributions in the form of papers and posters that align with the theme and address one of the following topics:

    • Topic 1: Fostering Learning in the Current Data Landscape
    • Topic 2: Cultivating Probabilistic Thinking for Data Analysis
    • Topic 3: Enhancing Statistics and Data Science in Schools
    • Topic 4: Promoting Inclusion in Statistics and Data Science Education
    • Topic 5: Achieving Coding Competencies in Data Science Students

    A submission will require a 300-word description of the proposed paper or poster, to be submitted by 30 January 2023 through this online form (

    Key Dates

    • 5 December 2022 - Proposed poster/paper description submission starts
    • 30 January 2023 - Deadline to submit proposed poster/paper description
    • 24 February 2023 - Notification of paper/poster acceptance
    • 1 March 2023 - Paper submission opens
    • 30 April 2023 - Paper submissions close for refereed papers
    • 31 May 2023 - Paper submissions close for non-refereed papers
    • 30 June 2023 - Final submission of revised refereed papers

    For more information, visit:

    or email

    A/Prof Ayse Aysin Bombaci Bilgin

    President of the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE)

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