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Occupancy modelling - beginner/intermediate course - external event

  • 22 May 2019 11:52 AM
    Message # 7355264

    Occupancy modelling - beginner/intermediate course
    15 July - 19 July 2019
    Mooloolaba Surf Club, Sunshine Coast, Australia

    The presence or absence of a species across a set of landscape units is a fundamental concept widely used in ecology. An important sampling issue, however, is that a species may not always be detected when present at a landscape unit. Unaccounted for, “false absences” can lead to misleading inferences about patterns and dynamics of species occurrence, and the factors that influence them, even with moderate levels of imperfect detection.

    This 4.5-day introductory workshop will cover methods that have been developed for modelling patterns and dynamics of species occurrence that account for imperfect detection. Participants will be introduced to available software through worked examples, and there will be special emphasis on aspects of study design. The main software that will be used is Program PRESENCE, and some exercises in R.

    For more information, and to register, go to

    Last modified: 28 May 2019 11:26 AM | Vanaja Thomas (Administrator)
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