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Call for Abstracts Extended!
Our thoughts and hearts have been with those affected by the devastating bush fires across Australia. Given the widespread ramifications, We have decided to extend abstracts submissions until 31 January 2020.
Please note that ANZSC 2020 will have two program streams with ANZSC and OZCOTS program committees. The 10th Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics 2020 program will run on 9-10 July 2020
Add the Conference dates to your calendar.
Want to know more? Visit our website.
Have a question? Email us today.
Host Organisations:
ANZSC 2020 brings together four leading statistical communities in the Southern Hemisphere – the Statistical Society of Australia, the New Zealand Statistical Association, the International Institute of Business Analysis (Special Interest Group for Business Analytics) and the Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics.
ANZSC 2020 Conference Managers Arinex Pty Ltd Ph | +61 7 3226 2800 Email | anzsc2020@arinex.com.au
Statistical Society of Australia (SSA) PO Box 213 Belconnen ACT 2616 Australia 02 6251 3647www.statsoc.org.auABN 82 853 491 081
Please direct enquiries to:
the SSA Team via email at
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